Founder of Hersheys

On September 13, 1857 Milton S. Hershey was born near Hockersville Penn. He lived in a rural farm area, and went to farming school. At fifteen he failed to finish farming school so he started and apprenticeship to a confectioner in Lancaster, Penn. In 1876 he completed his apprenticeship and open his own candy store. The store failed 6 years later. Then he traveled to New York to another candy store wich also failed. When he came back to Lancaster he started in the milk caramel buisness. The caramel buisness was very sucessful and in 1890 he became interested in chocolate. After selling his caramel buisness for $1,000,000 Hershey work on creating the recipe for his chocolate. In 1903 he began building Hershey Chocolate Factory, which grew to be the world's largest chocolate empire. In 1918 Hershey funded the Hershey school and different charities included the M.S. Hershey Foundation. Unfortunatly on October 13th 1945 Milton Hershey died.